Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Birthday in May

Kan ada entry yang terdahulu saya announce birthday someone in May. It's my mother-in-law birthday on 7th May. So, all the siblings plan to have birthday dinner at Hard Rock Cafe. Saya dah buat reservation and adik girl dah tempah cake at Baskin Robbins.

So yesterday, Mr K and I pun pergi la watch hunt untuk bagi present kat mak dia. As usual brand TISSOT jugak jadi our choice since my mom pun, we bought the same brand. It's fair and square rite? Kami juga still beli at the same shop kat Ampang Park. Aunty tu sanggup tunggu even time tu suppose dia dah nak closed.
Owh yar.. saya juga pergi tempah baju di Ampang Park untuk wedding my aunty di T'ganu nanti. I tempah with the same designer yang buat my wedding dress and my baju during cukur jambul Zara tempoh hari. If anyone interested nak try service Tyeo, please let me know.


dey said...

babe, rege if tempah kt theo tu braper? xtempah baju rayer ker?

Take It Or Leave It said...

depends on baju, kalau baju kurung biasa rege from 250 w/out beads.